Triggered Avalanche 12/11/2023
High energy wind slabs
Date & Time
12/11/2023 alternate_email 2:00 PM
Elevation & Aspect
3400 / Northeast
Mode of Travel
Red Flags
Shooting Cracks, Heavy Snowfall / Other Precipitation, Drifting Snow / Windloading
Triggered Avalanche
D1: Relatively harmless to people.
Multiple D1s to D2 slides. Smallest were 3-7 foot wide crowns and 1-3 inches deep. Largest started as roughly a 20 foot crown and then triggered a second crown lower roughly the same width. Deepest point of this slab was around 4 inches. High energy wind slabs seem to be forming from this mornings (12/11) snow and wind on most aspects.
Observation Details
Snow was just super high energy and multiple remote cracks/slabs were triggered. Be careful out there. Thankfully this wind slab isn’t particularly deep but there are deeper pockets and a whole face ripping could make this very dangerous as well as more snow and wind which could cause some natural slides.